2022 - Model-Based System Architecting and Decision-Making
Yaroslav Menshenin, Yaniv Mordecai, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
Yaroslav Menshenin, Yaniv Mordecai, Edward F. Crawley, Bruce G. Cameron
We explore the application of MBSE for conceptual system architecting. Choosing an architecture is a fundamental activity. Our Model-Based System Architecting (MBSA) framework facilitates the specification of an architecture as a reasoning process – a series of conceptualization and decision-making activities, backed-up by an MBSE environment. Our framework captures both the ontology of a stakeholder-driven and solution-oriented system architecture, and the process of growing the architecture as a series of conceptualization steps through five ontological domains: the stakeholder domain, the solution-neutral environment, the solution-specific
environment, the integrated concept, and the concept of operations. Our MBSA approach shifts the modeling focus from recording to conceptualizing, exploring, decision-making, and innovating. In comparison to an “offline” architecting process, our approach may initially require a bigger effort but should enable stronger stakeholder engagement, clearer architectural decision point framing, quicker exploration, better long-term viability, and increased model robustness.
We explore the application of MBSE for conceptual system architecting. Choosing an architecture is a fundamental activity. Our Model-Based System Architecting (MBSA) framework facilitates the specification of an architecture as a reasoning process – a series of conceptualization and decision-making activities, backed-up by an MBSE environment. Our framework captures both the ontology of a stakeholder-driven and solution-oriented system architecture, and the process of growing the architecture as a series of conceptualization steps through five ontological domains: the stakeholder domain, the solution-neutral environment, the solution-specific
environment, the integrated concept, and the concept of operations. Our MBSA approach shifts the modeling focus from recording to conceptualizing, exploring, decision-making, and innovating. In comparison to an “offline” architecting process, our approach may initially require a bigger effort but should enable stronger stakeholder engagement, clearer architectural decision point framing, quicker exploration, better long-term viability, and increased model robustness.
Cite this Publication
Menshenin, Y., Mordecai, Y., Crawley, E.F., Cameron, B.G. (2022) Model-Based System Architecting and Decision-Making. In Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering, pp. 289-330. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Menshenin, Y., Mordecai, Y., Crawley, E.F., Cameron, B.G. (2022) Model-Based System Architecting and Decision-Making. In Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering, pp. 289-330. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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