Menshenin, Y., Pinquié, R., Chevrier, P. (2024) Holistic Perspective to the Drug-Device Combination Product Development Challenges. In: Danjou, C., Harik, R., Nyffenegger, F., Rivest, L., Bouras, A. (eds) Product Lifecycle Management. Leveraging Digital Twins, Circular Economy, and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation. PLM 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 701, pp. 235-242. Springer, Cham.
Menshenin, Y., Mordecai, Y., Crawley, E.F. and Cameron, B.G. (2022) Model-Based System Architecting and Decision-Making. In Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering, pp. 1-42. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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Gerhard, D., Salas Cordero, S., Vingerhoeds, R., Sullivan, B., Rossi, M., Brovar, Y., Menshenin, Y., Fortin, C., Eynard, B. (2022) MBSE-PLM Integration: Initiatives and Future Outlook. In: Noël, F., Nyffenegger, F., Rivest, L., Bouras, A. (eds) Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times: The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies. PLM 2022. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 667, pp.165-175. Springer, Cham.
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Brovar, Y., Menshenin, Y., Knoll, D. and Fortin, C. Modelling of Engineering and Manufacturing Data Structures Through a DSM-Based Approach. (2021) In: Canciglieri Junior, O., Noël, F., Rivest, L., Bouras, A. (eds) Product Lifecycle Management. Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations. PLM 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 640. Springer, Cham. Best Paper Award
Menshenin, Y., Knoll, D., Brovar, Y. and Fortin, C. (2020) Analysis of MBSE/PLM Integration: From Conceptual Design to Detailed Design. In: Nyffenegger, F., Ríos, J., Rivest, L., Bouras, A. (eds) Product Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X. PLM 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 594. Springer, Cham.
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Menshenin, Y., Moreno, C., Brovar, Y. and Fortin, C. (2021) Integration of MBSE and PLM: complexity and uncertainty. In International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 13(1), pp.66-88.
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Menshenin, Y. and Crawley, E. (2020) A System Concept Representation Framework and its Testing on Patents, Urban Architectural Patterns, and Software Patterns. In Systems Engineering Journal, 23(4), pp.492-515.
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Menshenin, Y. and Crawley, E. (2019) Applying the Model-Based Concept Framework to Capturing the Safety Aspects of the Suborbital Human Spaceflight Missions. In Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 6(4), pp.235-247
Menshenin, Y., Pinquie, R. (2024) The Influence of Human-Systems Integration on “Fuzzy Front End” of Innovation: A MedTech Case Study. In Proceedings of the INCOSE Human Systems Integration Conference, Jeju, South Korea Highly Commended Award.
Menshenin, Y., Pinquie, R., Chevrier, P. (2023) New Product Development Process for MedTech Combination Products. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), Bordeaux, France, pp. 2795-2804.
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Menshenin, Y., Pinquie, R., Chevrier, P. (2023) Defining a New Role of System Architect at the Product Strategy Stage of a MedTech Product Development Through the DSM-Based Method. In Proceedings of the 25th International DSM Conference (DSM 2023), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 116-122.
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Meskoob, B., Brovar, Y., Menshenin, Y., Blanchard, F., Fortin, C. (2023) Interface Management for Telecommunication System Design through OPM and DSM-based Approaches. In 17th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon2023), Vancouver, Canada.
Glazkova, N., Menshenin, Y., Vasilev, D. and Fortin, C. (2022) MedTech Product Development Framework for Post-Pandemic Era. In Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp.1273-1282.
Brovar, Y., Menshenin, Y. and Fortin, C. (2021) Study of system interfaces through the notion of complementarity. In Proceedings of the Design Society, 1, pp.2751-2760.
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Menshenin, Y. and Fortin, C. (2021) An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary Education through Domain Sector Courses. In Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, 1, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.52-61.
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Menshenin, Y., Brovar, Y., Crawley, E., and Fortin, C. (2020) Analysis of Systems Structural Relationships Through a DSM-Based Approach. In Proceedings of 22nd International DSM Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp.43-51.
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Menshenin, Y. and Crawley, E. (2018) DSM-Based Methods to Represent Specialization Relationships in a Concept Framework. In 20th International DSM Conference, Trieste, Italy, pp.151-157.
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Menshenin, Y. and Crawley, E. (2018) A Framework for Concept and its Testing on Patents. In 28th Annual INCOSE International Symposium, 28(1), pp.1564-1577, Washington, DC, USA.
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Menshenin, Y., Brovar, Y. and Fortin, C. (2021) Ontology Engineering for Space Mission Design: A Case Study of Suborbital Human Spaceflight Mission. In Proceedings of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE. The paper is available through the IAF Digital Library.
Menshenin, Y. and Fortin, C. (2021) A Systems Engineering Framework for Space Sector Education. In Proceedings of Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX), Saint Petersburg, Russia. The paper is available through the IAF Digital Library.
Menshenin, Y., Knoll, D., Brovar, Y., Crawley, E., and Fortin, C. (2020) Digital Engineering Information Exchange Model for Space Missions Architecture: a Case Study of a CubeSat Mission. In Proceedings of the 71st International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE. The paper is available through the IAF Digital Library.
Menshenin, Y., Podladchikova, T., Fortin, C. and Crawley, E. (2020) A Holistic Approach to Space Sector Education: a Case Study of a Space Sector Course. In Proceedings of the 71st International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE. The paper is available through the IAF Digital Library.
Menshenin, Y., Latyshev, K., Mahfouz, A., Pritykin, D. (2019) Applying the Model-Based Conceptual Design Approach to ADCS Development: a Case Study of a CubeSat Swarm Mission. In Proceedings of the 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, D.C., USA. The paper is available through the IAF Digital Library.
Menshenin, Y. and Crawley, E. (2018) Model-Based Concept Framework for Suborbital Human Spaceflight Missions. In Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany.
Paper at the MIT System Architecture Group's website
Paper at the MIT System Architecture Group's website
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Menshenin, Y. Model-Based Framework for System Concept, PhD Thesis, Skoltech (PhD Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Edward Crawley).
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